“Enrichment beyond the classroom”
CALL US: 1-888-339-1289
We customize a plan of action to meet the unique needs of individual schools and districts.
Services are executed via:
Campus based trainings
Student Learning Support
Professional Development Workshops
Classroom Management Strategies
Student Tutorials
Teacher & Administrator Coaching, Training and Mentoring
School Culture and Team Building
Assessment Development
Train the Trainer Model
Classroom Observations and Evaluations
Program Evaluation Assessments
Curriculum Alignment Design
Leadership Performance Coaching
Parent Involvement Programs
Dropout Prevention
Technology Implementation
Private Tutoring
Educational Products
In order for organizations to achieve higher gains, they must focus on the most critical priorities of the school. The staff must be on board with the alignment of the goals. The goals must be driven by data, and lastly the goals must be monitored and feedback needs to be ongoing and accessible to all stakeholders.
Effective leadership requires allocating decision-making authority to others in order to maximize the full potential of the leader, organization and individuals.
Effective change requires for individuals to treat change as an opportunity for learning or growth. Those who are impacted by change must be able to modify their behavior to deal effectively within the work structure, processes, requirements and cultures.